About me
On Easter Sunday, April 5th 2015, I still remember vividly God gave me this verse:
I did not know at first why I got that specific verse, but God knew.
That very same night, I had the most terrible pain on my hip area and I was screaming at the ER when my parents brought me there. Few days later in April 2015, I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Philadelphia Chromosome Positive and I was given 2 weeks to live.
Yes, I did go through chemotherapy and all the protocols needed. The cancer did not miraculously go missing. What I have been through was not easy for me and my family.
I could have given up through the process, but thank God I did not. I remember the promise He gave me that I would not die young. I believe that it is by His Grace that I could go through the process victoriously. And I give thanks to Jesus because of His sacrifice at the cross I am now alive and well.
That is a little bit of my life story and one of the reasons why I started this blog. I want to enjoy my life by travelling (something that I did not have time to do before) and share my journey and passion with all of you.
Much love,